Alexia is a Spanish native speaker from Mexico

"I very much enjoy teaching my native language, Spanish, to my students and sharing my culture through communicative activities based on real-life situations"
¡Hola a todos!

Yo nací y crecí en México, la tierra del Mariachi y el Día de Muertos. Si no sabes acerca del día de muertos, te recomiendo ver Coco de Pixar Disney. Durante más de 10 años, dediqué mi vida a enseñar inglés en escuelas públicas de México. Sin embargo, el año pasado me mudé a los Estados Unidos de América para continuar con mi pasión por la enseñanza, aunque esta vez estoy enseñando mi lengua materna, el español. Tengo un diplomado en Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, y una Maestría en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Guadalajara.

Disfruto mucho enseñar mi lengua materna a mis alumnos y compartir mi cultura a través de actividades comunicativas basadas en situaciones de la vida real. Me comprometo a tener una instrucción diferenciada ya que soy consciente de que cada persona tiene diferentes fortalezas y debilidades en su proceso de aprendizaje.

En cuanto a mi tiempo libre, me encanta aprender idiomas. De hecho, yo misma estoy aprendiendo coreano. Verás, me encantan los K dramas. Además, disfruto pasar tiempo con mi familia. Mi esposo y yo recientemente hemos estado viendo House of the Dragon en HBO. Entonces, si te gusta ver programas de televisión en servicios de streaming, definitivamente tendremos mucho de qué hablar en clase.

¡Me encantará conocerte pronto!
  • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    Back in Mexico Alexia used to teach English, but since moving to the USA she has fully dedicated herself to teaching her native Spanish
  • Fun and dynamic lessons
    Alexia loves sharing her language and culture through communicative activities, such as games, videos and real-life examples
  • Individual approach
    When it comes to learning a new language, every person has their strengths and weaknesses – Alexia always makes sure to tailor the program accordingly
Standard rates apply for most of our coaches, though prices may vary slightly based on the coach's extra qualifications. You can find each coach's specific rates on their profiles on our website.
4 training sessions

1 month
Recommended plan: once a week

For those who want to stay immersed in the language environment and practice the language!
18 individual training sessions

8 training sessions with a native speaker +
+1 training session - strategic session with a mentor
+1 self-training with personalized materials from the strategic session

3 months
Recommended plan:
choose your own pace

The quick learning process and warp-speed improvement of your language skills :)
Standard rates apply for most of our coaches, though prices may vary slightly based on the coach's extra qualifications. You can find each coach's specific rates on their profiles on our website.
4 training sessions

1 month
Recommended plan: once a week
Not to forget the foreign language and practice with professional native speakers!
18 individual training sessions

8 training sessions with a native speaker +
+1 training session - strategic session with a mentor
+1 self-training with personalized materials from the strategic session

3 months
Recommended plan:
choose your own pace
Warp-speed studying process and regular language practice!
Book your first lesson!
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