Estephanie - native Spanish speaker and teacher from Mexico

"I love words and I love Spanish."
My name is Estephanie, I am Mexican.

I love words and I love Spanish. I feel very lucky to be able to share learning my language, because for me it is a valuable treasure that I would like to make available to everyone.

Words are such a powerful tool for communication and creativity. And Spanish is very beautiful language, with its rich vocabulary and expressive grammar.

I think it's important to find ways to make learning enjoyable, I use art and games to awaken well-being in my students, while they learn this wonderful language.

  • Experienced teacher

    Estephanie like an experienced teacher is able to be sensitive to the different backgrounds of her students

  • Art and game like tools
    Art and games can be a lot of fun, and they can also help students to learn in a more relaxed and enjoyable way
  • Her students are inspired by her passion and love of Spanish
    Estephanie is passionate about her work and that she really cares about her students.
Standard rates apply for most of our coaches, though prices may vary slightly based on the coach's extra qualifications. You can find each coach's specific rates on their profiles on our website.
4 training sessions

1 month
Recommended plan: once a week
Not to forget the foreign language and practice with professional native speakers!
18 individual training sessions

8 training sessions with a native speaker +
+1 training session - strategic session with a mentor
+1 self-training with personalized materials from the strategic session

3 months
Recommended plan:
choose your own pace
Warp-speed studying process and regular language practice!
Standard rates apply for most of our coaches, though prices may vary slightly based on the coach's extra qualifications. You can find each coach's specific rates on their profiles on our website.
4 training sessions

1 month
Recommended plan: once a week

For those who want to stay immersed in the language environment and practice the language!
18 individual training sessions

8 training sessions with a native speaker +
+1 training session - strategic session with a mentor
+1 self-training with personalized materials from the strategic session

3 months
Recommended plan:
choose your own pace

The quick learning process and warp-speed improvement of your language skills :)
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