Accent reduction classes. Speak English like a native speaker

Get personalized 1:1 training from a professional tutor and accent coach from the USA
Do you want to sound like your favorite movie star?
Learn how to do that by taking the Cinematic English course! You'll master the American accent and learn how to speak clearly and naturally with the help of a professional tutor from Los Angeles.

Course expert - Accent reduction classes with native speaker

Accent reduction classes with native speakers
Guy is a professional tutor and a native English speaker from Los Angeles, California. For over 15 years, he's been helping students from all over the world to speak fluently and naturally. He teaches a wide variety of courses, but his true passion is pronunciation. Guy has a lot of experience working with voice actors and media personalities and helping them acquire an American accent.

To help students see results, Guy has developed his own method and a course called Hollywood Cinematic English. He uses his own materials and techniques that will allow you to improve your pronunciation on a fundamental level. No matter what your native language is, you will develop an American accent in just a couple of months or even weeks!

Course overview - Accent reduction classes with native speaker

  • We test your skills and assess your pronunciation during a trial class.
  • Depending on the results, we make a personalized study plan that will make your accent the best it can be.
  • You start training and achieve your goals!
Who is Cinematic English for?
1) Students with high levels (intermediate/upper-intermediate) who are looking to perfect their accent.
2) Actors, showmen, radio and podcast hosts who want to reach an international audience.
3) Businessmen and employees at international companies that participate in conferences and negotiations.
4) Bloggers, TikTok stars, and Internet personalities who want to get an international following!

After the accent reduction course you will:

  • Up your communication game and speak with confidence.
  • Develop natural intonations in English.
  • Speak just like the actors in your favorite movies and TV shows.
  • Understand American accents and understand what makes them unique.
  • Learn how to link words and where to put the stress in sentences.
  • Sound American, no matter what your native language is!
4 sessions

1 month
recommended schedule:
once a week

For those who want to give it a try and see the first results!
16 sessions

3 months
recommended schedule:
2-3 times a week

If you want to fundamentally improve your accent and sound as natural as possible :)
Watch Guy's interview with Anika Brain to learn more about his approach

  •  What do you need to become an outstanding language tutor?
  •  Is it important to feel passionate about languages, if you want to see results?
  •  How many languages does Guy speak?
  •  What is the best way to perfect your accent?
  •  Who does Guy teach in Los Angeles?
  •  Pronunciation tips and tricks from Guy.
  •  Why are patterns important in accent training?
  •  How did Guy create his method and why is it so effective?
  •  What is his new book about?
  •  Bonus: get a look into Guy's new screenplay!
Unlocking the Secrets of Outstanding Language Teaching: An Interview with Guy, Our English Teacher and US Pronunciation Coach
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+1 (814) 300-8350
ISR: Salomon 13, Netanya. 4204015